Pre-Screening Tips

A Rational Way to Make a Gut Decision - Interviewing & Pre-Screening Candidates With the objective of increasing interview pre-screening and pre-qualifying candidate assessment accuracy, here are some tips for that both interviewers and candidates can use. How to Separate Fact from Fiction and Ensure an Accurate Interview Assessment   Just the facts. Too many candidates speak in generalities. These have no value. Facts do. So if you’re a candidate you need to be prepared to give specific details about each of your major accomplishments. These include dates, measurable results, the actual deliverables, and any supporting information needed to validate the accomplishments. If you're the interviewer, you need to dig for this information. Don’t leave it up to the candidate to provide it. Give and get SMARTe examples to prove a strength. Candidates need to prove every strength with specific examples. Interviewers need to ask for these examples. We suggest using the SMARTe acronym...